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26mm x 13mm

I think it must have been during the July of 1998 that I picked this stone up south of the waterfall at St Cyrus beach. I think it may remain uncut, with its natural polish intact. It was found buried amongst smaller stones and grit close to where the rockpooling is most productive. It's a great example of the fine orange and red fortification agates that are to be found in the area, albeit sparingly. A true flame agate.

     It was treasured for a fair while, so much so that I gave it to a chap I much admired being 18 and amidst the throes of a common immature naivety. It was only on a whim that I asked for it back when things began to turn sour later on. It's a terrible sin to commit, asking politely for a present to be returned. In the scheme of things, I'm glad I did.

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